Relate is all about impact. From raising awareness about charities to creating jobs that in turn raise funds for these NPOs. Over 60% of our income is donated to credible charities and invested in social upliftment initiatives.
- Donate: Approximately a third of our proceeds are donated to charities.
- Invest: Approximately a third of our proceeds are also invested in creating earning opportunities, skills training and enterprise development initiatives.
- Costs: A portion of our proceeds are used for Relate materials and running costs.
Relate bracelets have supported over 110 charities to date.
We’re proud to have helped to:
- Feed both human and animal orphans.
- Educate children.
- Treat diseases.
- Teach skills.
- Look after the frail and elderly.
- Bring clean water to villages.
We’re committed to empowering individuals, as well as and growing enterprise initiatives:
- We give seniors from Ikamva Labantu dignity, companionship and earnings to support their families.
- We offer disadvantaged young adults earning potential and skills training opportunities.
- We assist disadvantaged fledging organisations’ growth, thereby creating economic and growth opportunities for others.
- We nurture future entrepreneurs.
Running Costs
We operate in the same manner as public company:
- We’re 100% transparent about and accountable for how we spend the proceeds of every Relate bracelet.
- We send cause payment confirmation to every wholesale customer.
- Our financial statements are available to view on request.
Over 60% of our income is donated to credible Causes and invested in social upliftment initiatives.
Transparent. Accountable. 100% not-for-profit.
annual reports
Relate is all about impact. From raising awareness about causes to creating jobs that in turn raise funds for these NPO’s.
Donate: Approximately a third of our proceeds are donated to Causes. Relate bracelets have supported over 82 charitable causes, to date.